The Phenom Approach

Peak performance on the inside = peak performance on the outside.

The body is one integrated system—not organs and body systems operating on their own, separate from each other. Issues happening in one body system carry over and affect other systems and chain reaction.

Improvements in one system also carry over to improve other systems.

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3 Key Body Systems

There are 3 main body systems that have the biggest impact on peak health and performance. The Digestive System, The Hormone System and The Detox System.

These are also the systems that many have issues with because of fast-paced living with many demands, endless to-do lists, many sources of stress, intense mental or physical strain, pressure to perform, poor food choices, inflammatory foods, unknown food sensitivities, lack of sleep, low quality of sleep, excess caffeine or stimulants, too much alcohol, not enough physical training or too intense training, certain medications, too many or the wrong supplements.

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We want to optimize these systems:

To create a solid foundation, to start tapping into your peak potential, and continue to excel from the inside-out.



The Digestive System: Gut Health!


Think nutrition and the absorption of nutrients. What you eat is very important, but what you absorb is even more important.

Also, the Gut-Brain connection. Medically, the Gut has recently (in the last 5-10yrs) been referred to as the 2nd Brain because it relies on the same neurons and brain chemicals as the brain. The Gut and Brain are also in constant communication with each other, more than any other organs. This is why danger, stress, or fear can cause stomach pain, diarrhea or digestive issues. This is also why excitement or emotions cause cause “butterflies in the stomach”.  The reverse can happen too. Gut issues can cause stress, anxiety, mood and cognitive issues. 70-80% of your feel good and mental sharpness brain chemicals are made in your Gut.

There is also a major Gut-Immune connection. About 70% of your Immune System is based in your Gut. This is also why improving Gut health is key for reducing the overstimulation of the immune system which is the cause of autoimmune conditions.

Optimizing your Digestive System and making your Gut bulletproof allows you to maximize the absorption of essential nutrients to fuel your body to perform, enhance your mood and motivation, minimize inflammation in the body, and power up your immune system to keep you going strong.


The Hormone System - Think peak daily energy and performance, mental alertness, deep sleep and recovery, reducing body fat, gaining lean muscle. Hormones tell your body what to do.

Here are some of the most common signs that your hormones are off: Hard to get out of bed in the morning. Energy crash in the afternoon. Hard to fall asleep or wake often in the night. Wake up feeling tired or unrefreshed. Rely on caffeine to get through the day. Feel irritable, overwhelmed, exhausted or wired. Can’t seem to drop the belly fat or lose weight. Find it hard to stay focused or motivated. Notice that many foods bother your digestion.

Optimizing your Hormone System, supercharging your hormones, allows for: peak daily energy and performance; consistent deep sleep and recovery; enhanced metabolism and body composition; and increased stress resilience!


Many people have just given in to feeling like this and over time have accepted this as their new “normal”. They just haven’t been exposed to any information explaining why they feel like this and wouldn’t know how to turn things around! This is why the biggest thing we’ve realized through working with many people is that “Most people have no idea how good their body is designed to feel.”

Your stress hormones are designed to help you survive threatening situations. Your brain identifies a perceived threat, which causes your body to release cortisol and adrenaline to allow you to run away or fight off the threat. The problem is that our modern way of living has put too much strain on this system and many are in overdrive.

Lack of sleep, high stress work, excess blue light from electronics, shift work, too much caffeine, poor diet, physical strain, digestive inflammation, excess alcohol, intense workouts, chronic pain, relationship stress, financial strain, and many demands, are some of the main stressors. On top of this, Humans can even create a jolt to the stress system just by thinking a thought!


The liver is a master organ as it has over 500 vital functions in the body. It acts as a giant filter that sorts through everything you eat, drink, and breathe in.

The Detox System: Think Liver Function!

It helps you keep all of the good nutrients and get rid of toxins and waste products by sending out it through the stool or urine. It helps to regulate all metabolic processes, helps to digestion, makes cholesterol which is the base for making many hormones, eliminates or recycles hormones, organizes blood sugar, forms many nutrients and many more functions.

Before disease, comes dysfunction.

Here are the most common symptoms of dysfunction: fluid retention, bloating, gas, fatigue, pain or congestion under the right ribcage, skin dryness or itchiness, muscle pain, weakness, anger, and agitation. Also, feel like you have a slow metabolism no matter what you do? Reducing calories but not seeing any weight loss? Noticing hormone deficiencies?

Liver dysfunction, sluggishness, is common. Improving the Detox System has such a big impact on each of the key systems and the whole body. Optimizing the Detox System allows for increased hormone balance, improved skin, better mood, faster feeling metabolism, boosted energy and reduced gas/bloating.
